3D construction

In Maths we have been looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. As part of our assessment we had to design a construction on paper and then build it using 3D shapes of our own creation. Here are our wonderful creations

Our Year in Review

To finish off our work on writing recounts for the year, the children have written reviews of what they liked about this year and what their wishes are for next year. They are a very honest account of their likes and dislikes and we hope you enjoy reading them and chatting more with your child about theirs. Continue reading

Making Change

moneyOne of the areas of Maths we work on in year 3/4 is being able to give change using both notes and coins. We have been using a fun website to help us practice these skills and we thought we would share it here to make it easier for the students to find if they want to share their learning with you at home.

Follow this link to access the website



Not 1D – we’re learning about 3D!

For the first 2 weeks of this term we have been learning about Geometry and in particular the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. In this activity we had to sort and match the names and attributes of different 3D shapes. Then the challenge was on for each group to build the shapes they had matched. It was a lot of fun and we certainly learnt a lot about the attributes and creation of 3D shapes

Name Monsters

In M10 recently we have been making name monsters. We wrote our names on a sheet of bremix paper and cut them out.  Mrs. Knipe used a knife to cut out the spaces in our name and then we got A3 paper and stuck it on the paper. We drew mouths and eyes to create our monsters. Then we coloured in our drawings and outlined them in black pen. Lastly we added extra body parts. We were doing this activity because we were learning about symmetry. In our names there is one line of reflected symmetry.

By Seth Ezra & Hope.

Here are our monsters – can you pick all of our symmetrical names?
